There is something I’m having a hard time thinking you really believe.
Do you really believe that the God who MADE THE UNIVERSE actually hears your prayers and desires to talk to you? And do you really believe Proverbs 21:1 that says, "The king’s heart is like a stream of water directed by the LORD; He guides it wherever He pleases?" Do you really believe that you have the ability to ask God to do something that will change what would have happened if you didn’t pray? That’s difficult to fathom, isn’t it? Your prayers can not only change what will happen to you, but your prayers can change what the king or the president of the United States will do. It doesn’t even matter whether it is a good king or a good president. God can change the heart of whoever is king or whoever is president.
I don’t think you really believe that.
You literally have an audience with GOD and GOD will speak with you. That is a mind-blowing fact!
I’m afraid that many times it is easy to place the emphasis on what you do rather than on what you pray. When that happens, what it means is whether you are conscious of it or not, in reality, you think that what you can do is more important than what God can do. That’s where you are placing your emphasis. The question is, why are you even thinking about what you can do when you have an audience with the God who spoke and all the stars came into being? Are you forgetting that?
If you neglect to pray you must not truly believe it. If you did there is no way you would neglect it. I know I just wrote the word “you” a lot. Who I’m talking to is me.