Lord, please help me to submit to your pruning. Take off every stray and unsightly branch that does not produce fruit. Remove anything that does not reflect Your beauty. Remove anything that takes energy from the best and most healthy parts of me.
Help me to submit to Your sculpting. Chip away everything that does not look like Jesus. Sand down all the rough edges that detract from the image of the Savior. Use my uncomfortable interactions with others as opportunities to see where Your heavenly sandpaper needs to be applied.
Help me to submit to the potter’s wheel. Smash me. Break me. But then I ask that You put me back together again. Use Your hands and just the right amount of pressure to mold me into something more usable and beautiful than I ever could’ve become on my own.
Basically, I just submit. I surrender. I trust You. I trust that all the painful things in my life are part of the process of molding me, polishing me, and making me beautiful and usable. You are the artist. I am the empty canvas waiting for whatever brushstrokes You wish to apply. You are the Master and I am Your masterpiece.