Yesterday morning at church my pastor, Steve Gaines, said that when he spends time in the Word his mind becomes like microwave popcorn with ideas and thoughts from God. Pop! Pop! Pop! Pop! Pop! Pop!
That's exactly what happened to me this morning!!! God must have been "downloading" all night long because when I woke up this morning the ideas flowed (I just wanted to write-"flowed like a runny nose in flu season" but I think THAT thought came from me and not from God).
I want you to know that there was a time, not that many years ago, when someone asked me how I felt I would answer by saying, "I feel like an expired carton of milk." NOT ANYMORE! God broke me in order to put me back together--STRONGER. God emptied me in order to fill me with Himself-FULLER. God has renewed my mind! Hallelujah!
I can't believe that I actually thought I was at retirement age. I just wanted to sit in my rocking chair and do nothing. But praise God, I responded to what has now become my theme verse, Psalm 27:8, "My heart has heard you say, 'Come and talk with me.' And my heart responds, 'LORD, I am coming."
I still want to sit in my rocking chair. But NOW I want to sit in my rocking chair and talk with Jesus. And as a result of doing that, I can promise you that I no longer want to sit and do nothing. Now there are SO MANY THINGS I WANT TO DO. Like Brother Steve said, my mind is like microwave popcorn beginning to pop! It is fresh, it is new, it is alive.
Back to Brother Steve's sermon yesterday. He was talking about the excuses Moses gave when God called him to deliver the children of Israel from bondage. He fled Egypt when he was brash and 40 years old. He had been living on the backside of the desert for an additional 40 years. Now at the ripe old age of 80 he was content to spend the rest of his life shepherding his father-in-law's sheep. The greatest leader in the world wasn't even shepherding his OWN sheep!
Moses was like me. He thought his window of time had passed him by. He was content on the backside of the desert with a few nomads not doing much of anything. God had other plans for Moses and for me and for you!
Steve Gaines said this about Moses (and about you and me): "God doesn't have to have you when you are 40 and strong and full of yourself. God would rather have an 80-year-old man who is broken and pliable." WOW! I thought about that and realized that I would rather be the 68-year-old version of me than the 40-year-old version of me. I really would. The good old days are NOW! TODAY is the best day ever!!!
I have been broken and I am old, but...I am wiser. I know God better. I am far more humble. I am usable. I am pliable. I think good thoughts. My mind is actually working again instead of going on a brain vacation. God is giving me great ideas and big plans--His plans, not mine! I think about what Jesus accomplished in just three short years of public ministry. His Spirit lives in me. I can't wait to see what HE is going to do through me in the next three years--and beyond.
"But those who trust in the LORD will find new strength. They will soar high on wings like eagles. They will run and not grow weary. They will walk and not faint" (Isaiah 40:31, NLT).
Pray about supporting this ministry (just yesterday four new people became monthly supporters). There are LOTS AND LOTS of things to be done. There goes my mind again: Pop! Pop! Pop! Pop! Pop! Many of them need financing to become a reality. Your gift can make that happen. Go to the DONATE TAB. One-time donations are such a blessing. If you can only give $5.00 it makes a difference. But I want you to toggle from the ONE-TIME DONATION tab over to the MONTHLY DONATION tab and just hover for a few minutes while you ask God if He would want you to become a regular member of the Think On These Things family. We so wish you would become part of this family! There is much to do and so little time to do it. βThe fields are ripe unto harvest.β