Does your friend pass the friendship test? Do you?
After you have been with someone you consider to be a "friend" ask yourself this question: Was I a better person when I was with them? It's really simple. Pay attention to what you felt like after spending time with someone. Obviously, they can have a bad day. I certainly do. I'm talking about a pattern that consistently happens when you are with that certain person.
Let's break this down.
*Did you find yourself compromising your convictions because of FOMO (fear of missing out)?
*Did you find yourself gossiping and laughing about inappropriate things?
*Did you find yourself verbalizing negativity, projecting bad outcomes, being cynical about situations and people?
*Did you feel like you had to confess the content of your conversation or your behavior after you left their presence?
*Did you leave feeling discouraged and pessimistic?
*Did your friend build you up with encouraging words about the person and power of God in your life and in your situation?
*Did your friend speak words of hope and faith into your life?
*Did your friend support you in your convictions and try to encourage you in your spiritual discipline?
*Was your conversation generously sprinkled with Scripture, words of praise about God, and uplifting and positive proclamations about the future?
*Did you leave loving God more and feeling full of faith?
If your interaction with your "friend" is consistently like the first five questions, you have picked the wrong person. If you don't have another option right now, know that God alone, with no one else, is a far superior option. Don't seek this person out when you are lonely, bored, or in need of a "running buddy." You may not need to abruptly cut a negative person off the same way you may need to abruptly cut an immoral person off. With some people it is okay to taper off gradually. Be wise and gentle. But don't ask them for advice or share confidences. You can minister to them and pray for them, but you should not be entertained by them. "Do not be deceived. Bad company corrupts good character" (I Corinthians 15:33, NIV).
On the other hand, if your interaction with your "friend" encourages you in your spiritual walk and makes you want to know and love Jesus more, then you need to make that person or persons your "go-to" companions. They will edify you. They will enrich you. They will encourage you. Find those people and grow old together with them. "As iron sharpens iron, so a friend sharpens a friend" (Proverbs 27:17, NLT).
You become like the books you read and the people you hang out with. It may be time to trade all your Scrabble tiles for another batch.
“ I don’t spend my time with liars or go along with hypocrites. I hate the gatherings of those who do evil, and I refuse to join in with the wicked” (Psalm 26:4-5, NLT).